January 24, 2014

Keepin’ It Real by PractiKAL - Seg.4

Segment: 4  


Are you staying motivated?  Are you keeping the promise you made to yourself? 

I hope you have made better choices as to what you eat.
I hope you have been drinking more water - at least 8 ounces every couple of hours.
I hope you have been eating fruit as a snack instead of that Kit Kat bar.
I hope you tell yourself that you EAT TO LIVE and not LIVE TO EAT and definitely not LOVE TO EAT because that is why you are not at our idea weight. I=m Just Keepin= It Real.

Let me ask you a few questions:

Q:         Do you know what it feels like to be hungry?
A:         Uh, not really because I=m always eating something.

Q:         Do you know what it feels like to be full (stuffed)?
A:         Yep - When I have to unfasten my pants and sit back with the remote and then eventually
 doze off to La La Land.

Q:         Do you know what it feels like when you are satisfied?
A:         Nope, I guess not because when I eat - I always say ABoy, I shouldn=t have eaten that
 much - now I feel miserable".  (This is the norm for a lot of folks).

If any of the above describes you - don=t be ashamed - get serious and do something about it.  REPEAT these phrases : I eat to live and not  LIVE TO EAT.  I=m Just Keepin= It Real for you.

Here are a few tips: 
Try using mustard instead of mayo on sandwiches;
Wheat not white bread;
Do not add salt to food once on your plate;
If you must have some chips, eat only a few to satisfy your taste-bud;
Protein shake with fruit as meal replacement
I told you about the oatmeal

NOTE:   Just say all of the sudden you had a taste for some BBQ chips.  It is better to eat SOME rather than none.  You don=t want to start feeling deprived.  If you do, you will over-indulge and quit.  So go ahead, satisfy your taste-bud this time.  Actually this is exactly what happened to me - I ate a few chips and felt guilty afterwards.  I hope you feel the same way. Hopefully you satisfied your craving and felt bad doing it.  GOOD because you are becoming committed to your promise to yourself.

Stay motivated and do not let any sabotage your goals.  Keep on envisioning the New Smaller, Better You.  I still can=t wait to tell you about #OperationPeelTheCoat.

Any Questions E-Mail Me: karen.holmes.8723@icloud.com

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