January 13, 2014

Keepin’ It Real by PractiKAL - Seg. 3

Segment: 3

If you made an attempt at following the challenge in Seg. 2, you are on your way to doing something good to your body.  Whether it has been 1, 2 or 3 days so far, you are cleansing your system of all the foods that take forever to break down and pass through - it is almost like weaning yourself off of something.  

Now, lets get back to “Keeping It Real”.  I want to share with you how it was for me when I first started my challenge over 10 years ago.  I challenged myself just like I challenged you resist going to FAST FOOD JOINTS like McDonald’s, etc.  After my first week I felt like I was being starved BUT I SURVIVED.  I could notice my clothes were fitting a little looser. 

WHY was I feeling like I was being starved: Because when I eliminated the junk food, I found I was not eating anything healthy so I did not eat.

WHY didn't I eat: Because my ENTIRE diet consisted of junk food.

NOTE:  Not only did I stop fast food I also gave up POP, chips, cookies and all candy. I really pushed myself by giving up all of the above at once, but you know what, I did it and I saw results.

I didn't want to be that extreme with you guys by saying “just give up everything” because giving up everything all at once like I did can cause you to throw in the towel and give up.

IMPORTANCE:   I did start eating plenty of fruit, salads and drank lots of water.  Instead of McDonald’s pancake breakfast with an extra syrup and ketchup for hash brown, I ate Instant Maple and Brown Sugar Oatmeal with one slice of wheat toast instead.  I never liked oatmeal nor the sight of it,  but when I saw a TV commercial that oatmeal helped reduce high cholesterol (and mine was off the chart) - I incorporated it in my diet.  I figured “well since in a on a role with doing good for my body, why not try it. 

So right now I am just checking in with you and want you to STAY  MOTIVATED and do not give up.   Stay focused on what I told you to envision in Seg. 1.  You are on your way.  I can’t wait to tell you about #OperationPeelTheCoat

>>> Segment: 1 <<<
>>> Segment: 2 <<<
>>> Segment: 4 <<<
>>> Segment: 5 <<<

Any Questions E-Mail Me: karen.holmes.8723@icloud.com

1 comment:

  1. I am stopping by to let it be known that I genuinely love these posts. I consider myself in shape, I know for a fact that you are speaking the truth. My sister has stepped up to your challenge. The name "Keepin' It Real" is funny, clever, but also true. Keep up with the posts.
