February 13, 2014

Keepin’ It Real by PractiKAL - Seg.5

Segment: 5

How is it going?

There is a difference between eating GOOD and eating BAD.  You can=t always fill up on bad stuff day in and day out and expect results - weight going DOWN not UP.  My theory is when you do good for so long, you deserve a little bad.  Meaning treat yourself one day out of a week (still in moderation).

In my previous segment(s) I mentioned telling you about #OperationPeelTheCoat. - I am finally going to tell you. 

When I made the commitment to lose weight (my New Year=s Resolution) many years ago,  I followed my own advise  to you in Seg. 1 and Seg. 2.  I took the challenge.  I wanted to control my destiny.

So I did what I asked you to do - I Envisioned how I would look six months from the time I started; I Envisioned the reactions I would get from people once I lost weight; I Envisioned people asking about my secrets of my success. 

Five months after I started - I went from a size 16 to a size 8.  Yes I did.  I stuck with it.

What made it even sweeter for me was the fact that all winter long my weight was hidden under my coat.  But when the warm weather really settled in, when it was time for us toAPeel Off Our  Coats@ I was a size 8.  When my train buddies, etc. saw me, they were amazed at the new me.  I got responses like AOMG you lost weight@; AYou are so skinny@; ALook at you - what did you do?@; and some people even asked Aare you sick@

Remember, during the winter, the only people who see really see you without a winter coat on are the people you live with or people work with.  So for me, when I walked in a place that I frequented during the winter with my coat on and when back with no coat, people bombarded me with questions about my weight loss success.

Do you know how that made me feel?  ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!  That is why I call it #OperationPeelTheCoat.

If I pack on a few pounds during the winter, I automatically know what I have to do before I peel my coat off the following year.  I think this is a clever way to stay on top of your game.  So during #OperationPeelTheCoat 2014 - I started challenging myself again (even though I do not need to), but I always want to prove to myself that I control my destiny.  Actually I am a size 6 now.

So for you, all you have to do is be determined as I was and handle your business.

In the next segment, I will tell you about my moderate exercise routine for those of you who claim not to have time.  You know that is a bunch of BS don=t you.  Another excuse !

Until then - - keep it real

Any Questions E-Mail Me: karen.holmes.8723@icloud.com

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