January 24, 2014

Keepin’ It Real by PractiKAL - Seg.4

Segment: 4  


Are you staying motivated?  Are you keeping the promise you made to yourself? 

I hope you have made better choices as to what you eat.
I hope you have been drinking more water - at least 8 ounces every couple of hours.
I hope you have been eating fruit as a snack instead of that Kit Kat bar.
I hope you tell yourself that you EAT TO LIVE and not LIVE TO EAT and definitely not LOVE TO EAT because that is why you are not at our idea weight. I=m Just Keepin= It Real.

Let me ask you a few questions:

Q:         Do you know what it feels like to be hungry?
A:         Uh, not really because I=m always eating something.

Q:         Do you know what it feels like to be full (stuffed)?
A:         Yep - When I have to unfasten my pants and sit back with the remote and then eventually
 doze off to La La Land.

Q:         Do you know what it feels like when you are satisfied?
A:         Nope, I guess not because when I eat - I always say ABoy, I shouldn=t have eaten that
 much - now I feel miserable".  (This is the norm for a lot of folks).

If any of the above describes you - don=t be ashamed - get serious and do something about it.  REPEAT these phrases : I eat to live and not  LIVE TO EAT.  I=m Just Keepin= It Real for you.

Here are a few tips: 
Try using mustard instead of mayo on sandwiches;
Wheat not white bread;
Do not add salt to food once on your plate;
If you must have some chips, eat only a few to satisfy your taste-bud;
Protein shake with fruit as meal replacement
I told you about the oatmeal

NOTE:   Just say all of the sudden you had a taste for some BBQ chips.  It is better to eat SOME rather than none.  You don=t want to start feeling deprived.  If you do, you will over-indulge and quit.  So go ahead, satisfy your taste-bud this time.  Actually this is exactly what happened to me - I ate a few chips and felt guilty afterwards.  I hope you feel the same way. Hopefully you satisfied your craving and felt bad doing it.  GOOD because you are becoming committed to your promise to yourself.

Stay motivated and do not let any sabotage your goals.  Keep on envisioning the New Smaller, Better You.  I still can=t wait to tell you about #OperationPeelTheCoat.

Any Questions E-Mail Me: karen.holmes.8723@icloud.com

<<< Segment:1 ........ Segment:2 .......... Segment:3 >>>
>>> ... Segment: 5 ....<<<

January 13, 2014

Back Fired!?

Have you tried to help somebody before and things just did not go as planned?

It back-fired and blew up in your face. Then you find yourself wondering why did I even offer assistance or even put myself in that situation. It happens to all of us, we try to do something and it doesn't turn out the way we intended.

So I'm going to stop volunteering my help, and my advice. Just wait until I am asked for help or for  my advice. That seems easier than taking it into your own hands.

Keepin’ It Real by PractiKAL - Seg. 3

Segment: 3

If you made an attempt at following the challenge in Seg. 2, you are on your way to doing something good to your body.  Whether it has been 1, 2 or 3 days so far, you are cleansing your system of all the foods that take forever to break down and pass through - it is almost like weaning yourself off of something.  

Now, lets get back to “Keeping It Real”.  I want to share with you how it was for me when I first started my challenge over 10 years ago.  I challenged myself just like I challenged you resist going to FAST FOOD JOINTS like McDonald’s, etc.  After my first week I felt like I was being starved BUT I SURVIVED.  I could notice my clothes were fitting a little looser. 

WHY was I feeling like I was being starved: Because when I eliminated the junk food, I found I was not eating anything healthy so I did not eat.

WHY didn't I eat: Because my ENTIRE diet consisted of junk food.

NOTE:  Not only did I stop fast food I also gave up POP, chips, cookies and all candy. I really pushed myself by giving up all of the above at once, but you know what, I did it and I saw results.

I didn't want to be that extreme with you guys by saying “just give up everything” because giving up everything all at once like I did can cause you to throw in the towel and give up.

IMPORTANCE:   I did start eating plenty of fruit, salads and drank lots of water.  Instead of McDonald’s pancake breakfast with an extra syrup and ketchup for hash brown, I ate Instant Maple and Brown Sugar Oatmeal with one slice of wheat toast instead.  I never liked oatmeal nor the sight of it,  but when I saw a TV commercial that oatmeal helped reduce high cholesterol (and mine was off the chart) - I incorporated it in my diet.  I figured “well since in a on a role with doing good for my body, why not try it. 

So right now I am just checking in with you and want you to STAY  MOTIVATED and do not give up.   Stay focused on what I told you to envision in Seg. 1.  You are on your way.  I can’t wait to tell you about #OperationPeelTheCoat

>>> Segment: 1 <<<
>>> Segment: 2 <<<
>>> Segment: 4 <<<
>>> Segment: 5 <<<

Any Questions E-Mail Me: karen.holmes.8723@icloud.com

January 09, 2014

2014 - A Work In Progress

This is pretty much going to be a run-down or summary of what happens in 2014....

I will update as things happen...

. My nephews make six months
2. Chicago blessed us with a surplus of snow
3. One of my friends/brother gets robbed. (sad day)
4. Chicago decided to have two of the coldest days I have witnessed (-40 &-30)
5. Having conversations about making T-Shirts
6. Fun night with the bros
7. My brother becomes an uncle again (his sister had her baby)
8. My mother starts up her ideas for my blog.
9. Spent the day with Br33zy and Rick.
10. Vicky started to show that she care about my friend.
11. My nephews decide to come visit me.
12. MiMi started walking.
13. Making money.
14. DiBiase is in school.
15. Ricky started working.
16. My Aunt birthday.
17. The Seahawks demolish the Broncos in the Super Bowl
18. My other Aunt's birthday
19. I watched my nephews for the first by myself.
20. I was selected to join the YearUp program (IT program)
21. My cousin gave birth to Ivory my new cousin.

January 08, 2014

Keepin' It Real by PractiKAL - Seg. 2

Segment: 2

Okay Listen Up:

You know darn well you want to look your absolute best  -trim and fit, both in and out of your clothes -  right? Come on now - lets keep it real - yes you do. You want to feel good about your physical appearance.

  • You want to be energized for more than a few hours. 

  • Don’t you know you can.
  •  Realize you control your destiny whether it be on a job, in a relationship and your dress or pants size.

  • You also control the way you feel.                               

So when you walk in McDonald’s and order a Quarter Pounder with Cheese, medium fries and large Coke (then you super size your entire order) - go back and read “First” above.  Guess what - you just controlled your destiny with regard to your dress/pants size. You are not taking this serious. The scale and your waist size will not go down if you keep these eating habits.  You must first break your junk food habits or at least minimize them.

So for Segment 2 your challenge is to determine if you have the WILL POWER to resist going to FAST FOOD JOINTS like McDonald’s, etc .  If you can’t have fast food, lets see what you will substitute the junk food with. Also, during this first week, make sure you consume more water than normal and incorporate a variety of fresh fruits through the day as your snack.  Please refrain from snacking on sweets, chips and dips, because you know once you start, you can’t stop and then the next thing you know, you are looking for a garbage to throw the empty bag into.  You know you do this, so stop now.

Doing the above will give your system of well deserved break from the abuse you have put it through by eating poorly.  Also, if you think you have to eat meat with every meal - you are sadly mistaken.  So challenge yourself for a week and in the next segment I will tell you what you just accomplished.

>>> Segment: 1 <<<
>>> Segment: 3 <<<
>>> Segment: 4 <<<
>>> Segment: 5 <<<

Any Questions E-Mail Me: karen.holmes.8723@icloud.com

January 03, 2014

Lose Your Stomach!

More than 14 years experience as a Trainer and still going strong.  My philosophy is......there is no greater competition than yourself.  If you want fitness, health, wealth, love, a new car, a new job, or whatever.....it is up to YOU to go after it.  My clients achieve amazing results through intense training and positive mental focus.  Achieving results is FUN!

I am excited to be a coach at LoseYourStomach.com. With this program, you will finally be able to scratch the words "GET FIT" off of your to-do list.  Isn't that exciting?

Now let's get started!

If you are interested in our personal training or coaching services call us at 773.704.0493 or email chrishoustonbrand@gmail.com

Keepin’ It Real by PractiKAL - Seg. 1

Segment: 1

Did you make a New Year’s Resolution to lose weight?    Did you last year?  The year before that?  Did you succeed?  If your answer is NO then you really need to hear this.

DO NOT be a procrastinator.  Get started today, right now. - - A year lasts twelve months.  What, are you going to have an excuse month after month for not starting today? Please do not do that.  Before you know it November will roll around and all the tempting foods and desserts will be the excuse; next December rolls around and again, more excuses; then the New Year arrives and guess what, YOU literally roll in because you gained more weight than you lost.  I’m just keepin’ it real.

It’s a New Year but the same old you. You have to stick to what you say you are going to do and follow through this time.  Do not let anyone steer you away from what you are trying to accomplish.  Oh trust me, people will try, especially if what you are doing is positive.   People are  selfish like that.

So here is what I want you to do TODAY.... Envision yourself six months from now after you have lost weight.  You should be smiling.   Envision yourself making it through Thanksgiving and Christmas this year with self-control and no excuses.   Envision the reactions you get from people as to how much you have changed;  Envision people asking you for the secrets of your success.  This can become reality.

The next time we talk, I will give you ideas on how to get started.  It’s so simple you won’t believe it.  So in the meantime put on your game face and take your goals serious this time.

                                                >>> Segment: 2 <<<
                                >>> Segment: 3 <<<
                                >>> Segment: 4 <<<
                                >>> Segment: 5 <<<

Any Questions E-Mail Me: karen.holmes.8723@icloud.com

January 02, 2014

What a Year, Goodbye 2013

 In 2013 so much has happened but by far the happiest moment for me was the birth of my twin nephews Jet and Jax on the 4th of July. They have brought so many smiles to my family, it is ridiculous. They were a breath of fresh air, and I can't wait for all the time I get to spend with them. I love these little guys.

    I lost one of my dogs this year, he was with me since the beginning of high school. I enjoyed having him here all these years and I know he is a better place now. All around i couldn't really ask for a better pet. He was truly like a member of the family.

My Grandfather turned 80 this year, what a milestone. I couldn't have asked for a better grandparent. Sometimes difficult but still irreplaceable. At 80 he still does everything that he can for his family.

There are so many more things that happened in this year. My cousin revealed that she will be expecting a baby girl sometime in January. I strengthened my friendship with my real friends and cut off the fake people. I am leaving most of the negative behind, but it's the same me going into 2014.