June 10, 2014


Have you ever felt like when you have a certain type of relationship with somebody, you tend to try more than normal or make yourself too available? Like you are willing to do any and everything in your power to make another person happy and yet it doesn't seem like it gets you anywhere. Having someone tell you that they appreciate you compared to feeling appreciated are two different things. It is as if they do not realize everything you do for them big or small based off their actions. Actions do speak louder than words on so many levels.

Whether the relationship is like, lust, or love, something keeps you trying. People believe in love at first sight, but how do they really know that it was love instead of like or lust. If you start off a relationship believing its love but in all reality its lust you are doomed. If you are under the mindset or even convinced yourself that it is love, you are in for temporary happiness. Once you really know what you are getting yourself into then you proceed.

What is it that keeps you trying though? It could be the way you feel for that person and you are looking for that to be reciprocated. Like the way you feel could have you looking stupid when it's all said and done. In many situations you may have felt like throwing in the towel, but something kept you there. It could just be the idea of having that relationship or what the relationship means to you. Just think about it.

June 08, 2014

Believing In That Which You Can’t See

It takes a brave person to have faith in what isn’t tangible. The average person needs proof by seeing something they can touch, feel, and get to know before they make an investment in it. I think a big part of life is making those types of decisions. Are you going to walk by faith? Or by sight?

I think that people who choose to walk by sight want to be seen as smarter people. They believe that their ability to make a decision based off of facts amounts to some level of intelligence. They’re convinced that they’re better off because they know what they’re getting themselves into before they make a commitment. However, walking just by sight puts you in a position to live life from a very limited view. You can never completely love and trust if you operate based off of proof of something in a physical form. You’ll constantly walk around with walls built because you have a predisposition on certain circumstances if they don’t have tangible facts. Ultimately, you’re missing out on opportunities to fully indulge in the true beauty of life.

What is the true beauty of life? The true beauty of life=spiritual relationships. I say spiritual relationships because physical relationships are very temporary and serve less purpose than most people believe. Spirits speak volumes. Spiritual connections are the derivative for any physical connections. If you think about it, whenever you experience someone sexually after having a spiritual connection with them it increases the passion. it intensifies that physical aspect of the relationship. Spiritual relationships are the true beauty of life because they are what connect souls to other souls and remove the emphasis put on physical appearance and position.

When you walk by faith you don’t have to have proof of a physical being or experience in order to know something is real. Walking by faith is powerful because it moves you to take steps your normally wouldn’t take. Being moved by a voice within to make certain decisions and then trusting that the outcome will only enrich your experiences takes a lot of courage, but is well worth it. I appreciate faith. Faith broadens your horizons and actually brings about many revelations. Once you choose to walk by faith and continue to do so, you’ll be taken to places in life that will reveal so much to you.

Walking by faith won’t eliminate the pain, but it will open up doors for you in your life that no physical being or thing can shut. 

June 05, 2014

Be Careful Where You Invest Your Energy

Putting energy into certain situations, conversations, and relationships can be very exhausting when it's misplaced. Investing time and effort into things that don't deserve your attention depletes you of your resourcefulness, and essentially, your happiness as well. I think a lot of times it is easy to feed into a situation that is petty or negative. It may not be that big of a deal, but you don't find that out until after you've blown a fuse. Problems arise when emotionally based responses start taking a toll on you physically and mentally.

Being positive and investing the best parts of you into places where you will reap benefits plus interest actually energizes you. As opposed to taking every chance you get to point out a flaw or be negative (which depletes you). Be mindful of the situations you put yourself in daily. Slowly but surely they will start to have a long lasting effect on how you operate and perceive things and people. Just be sure to constantly motivate yourself and pay attention to those who bring positivity into your life. Remove yourself from situations that bring you down.

June 04, 2014

That Feeling....

Have you ever been in a relationship where you give your all and it seems like its a slap in the face?
Like you do everything in your power to satisfy that person and it still blows up in your face. When you first get in a relationship with somebody, what is that based off of? Could it be the initial connection that you both shared or something more? Then when everything hits the fan, what keeps the both of you together?

I believe that a factor in these certain situations is misunderstanding coming from both people. If you could understand where a person is coming from and vice-versa that could possibly have a different outcome. Communication is key!

Attitudes are another thing that I think play a huge role in bad situations happening in relationships. You have people that once they get an attitude everything goes downhill from there. Simply because they are so caught up in their emotions while trying to release that built up feeling in any way possible. Saying hurtful things, doing hurtful things, and even acting a certain can be results from having an attitude.

Trying to think of why things are happening can get overwhelming. Therefore you need to find coping mechanisms to help alleviate that feeling of being overwhelmed.