January 08, 2014

Keepin' It Real by PractiKAL - Seg. 2

Segment: 2

Okay Listen Up:

You know darn well you want to look your absolute best  -trim and fit, both in and out of your clothes -  right? Come on now - lets keep it real - yes you do. You want to feel good about your physical appearance.

  • You want to be energized for more than a few hours. 

  • Don’t you know you can.
  •  Realize you control your destiny whether it be on a job, in a relationship and your dress or pants size.

  • You also control the way you feel.                               

So when you walk in McDonald’s and order a Quarter Pounder with Cheese, medium fries and large Coke (then you super size your entire order) - go back and read “First” above.  Guess what - you just controlled your destiny with regard to your dress/pants size. You are not taking this serious. The scale and your waist size will not go down if you keep these eating habits.  You must first break your junk food habits or at least minimize them.

So for Segment 2 your challenge is to determine if you have the WILL POWER to resist going to FAST FOOD JOINTS like McDonald’s, etc .  If you can’t have fast food, lets see what you will substitute the junk food with. Also, during this first week, make sure you consume more water than normal and incorporate a variety of fresh fruits through the day as your snack.  Please refrain from snacking on sweets, chips and dips, because you know once you start, you can’t stop and then the next thing you know, you are looking for a garbage to throw the empty bag into.  You know you do this, so stop now.

Doing the above will give your system of well deserved break from the abuse you have put it through by eating poorly.  Also, if you think you have to eat meat with every meal - you are sadly mistaken.  So challenge yourself for a week and in the next segment I will tell you what you just accomplished.

>>> Segment: 1 <<<
>>> Segment: 3 <<<
>>> Segment: 4 <<<
>>> Segment: 5 <<<

Any Questions E-Mail Me: karen.holmes.8723@icloud.com

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