June 04, 2014

That Feeling....

Have you ever been in a relationship where you give your all and it seems like its a slap in the face?
Like you do everything in your power to satisfy that person and it still blows up in your face. When you first get in a relationship with somebody, what is that based off of? Could it be the initial connection that you both shared or something more? Then when everything hits the fan, what keeps the both of you together?

I believe that a factor in these certain situations is misunderstanding coming from both people. If you could understand where a person is coming from and vice-versa that could possibly have a different outcome. Communication is key!

Attitudes are another thing that I think play a huge role in bad situations happening in relationships. You have people that once they get an attitude everything goes downhill from there. Simply because they are so caught up in their emotions while trying to release that built up feeling in any way possible. Saying hurtful things, doing hurtful things, and even acting a certain can be results from having an attitude.

Trying to think of why things are happening can get overwhelming. Therefore you need to find coping mechanisms to help alleviate that feeling of being overwhelmed.

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