I have to voice my opinion about some things that go in relationships. When in a relationship with somebody there are certain restrictions and rules that apply. Relationships should be fun and happy but none are perfect. If you have a good relationship with someone, you feel great, but problems arise and it takes a toll on you. Say that you are in a relationship and your boyfriend/girlfriend becomes friends with someone of the opposite sex, immediately some people will have a problem with it. (Everyone has friends of the opposite sex, but when in a relationship they know when enough is enough.) Then you notice that your boyfriend/girlfriend is starting to talk about this person more. It then turns into your boyfriend/girlfriend calling, flirting, and hanging out with them. When you confront your boyfriend/girlfriend about it, that causes an argument. So now you if you trusted them in the beginning you start to question that. Then once you are fed up with the actions being displayed, you decide that you want to give your boyfriend/girlfriend a choice "me or your new friend", and they tell you that "I'm not going to stop talking to her/him". At that point you should leave, but you don't because you "Love" him/her, but they are not showing you "Love". From now on every time you bring up your boyfriend/girlfriend's new friend it will cause an argument, but the whole time they haven't told you that their "new friend" likes them, but your not dumb. After all that if you decide to continue to pursue that person that is your choice, might not be the best but then again it is YOUR CHOICE. That relationship should have never made it that far....
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