December 16, 2012

Dysfunctional Family

Definition of Family
Family - Group of relatives, a group of people who are closely related by birth, marriage, or adoption.

Blood is thicker than water! That is a saying that we hear to much, but do people really understand what that means? I do not think so, when you have family members that talk about each other, downing each other, bashing each other or whatever you want to call it, doesn't that seem quite odd? When they are not around, or when their back is turned that is when all the talking begins. Well when you care or have strong feelings for someone or something you do not talk about them in a negative way. (Then again read the definition of family at the top of this blog again, it does not say anything about love, caring, or nothing. )People just assume that since they are family we should love and care for one another, but in some cases they treat each other more like roommates. Some people even show favoritism towards some family members when they shouldn't. Everyone should be able to turn to their family to get that feeling of love. Sometimes outsiders such as friends get treated better than family. They do not share the same bloodline as you, so why do they get put up on a pedestal?

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